Country Strong

Movie Cast Starring: Gwyneth Paltrow, Tim McGraw, Garrett Hedlund, Leighton Meester
Cinema Release Date : Dec 22, 2010
Directed by : Shana Feste
Produced by : Karen Koch, Jenno Topping, Tobey Maguire

Country strong -Movie Poster

Movie synopsis :
Country Strong Soon after a rising young singer-songwriter gets involved with a fallen, emotionally unstable country star, the pair embarks on a career resurrection tour helmed by her husband/manager and featuring a beauty-queen-turned-singer. Between concerts, romantic entanglements and old demons threaten to derail them all.

Country Strong Movie Trailers

Film Country Strong Movie Genre Labels: Drama Movie, Musical Movie . with permalink Rating: 4.5 Reviewer : - ItemReviewed: Country Strong